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800-239-7602 | 415-457-9550
1261 Andersen Dr. Suite K
San Rafael, CA 94901

Why Rent?

At CMS, our passion is getting you the right equipment for the right price. We understand that you have options when it comes to the latest devices on the market, so here are just a few reasons why rentals from us are a cut above the rest:

  1. At CMS, Inc., we have what you need. We offer responsive service and are only a phone call away.
  2. Try it before you buy it. Rent a key piece of equipment to help you evaluate a potential purchase while completing a profitable job.
  3. Supplement your existing equipment. We can supply any equipment that you don’t regularly use.
  4. No capital investment. Renting frees up your businesses capital. An expense is only incurred for equipment needed and only as long as you need it on a particular event.
  5. No financing hassles. It’s typically easier to qualify for a rental than a purchase.
  6. No equipment obsolescence. Renting allows you to use the latest technology without costly depreciation.
  7. You’ll never have to worry about maintenance. You can eliminate costly service shops, service tooling, spare parts and cumbersome maintenance records.
  8. Eliminate superfluous storage costs. There is nothing more frustrating than having to pay for equipment that you didn’t even use. You can avoid that cost when you rent. Call us for a pickup or simply drop off the equipment whenever you are finished.
  9. Minimize costly breakdowns. Our inventory is loaded with new, reliable equipment that is put through a rigorous testing process, so that you can depend on it.
  10. Increase your borrowing power. Renting equipment will not appear as a liability on your balance sheet.

Start renting today! Call or email us with your equipment request.

Give Us A Call

To best serve you, talk to one of our experienced specialists. They help walk you through our process, and help make sure you have every thing you need for a successful and memorable event!

Talk to a Specialist About Your Next Project!

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Our devotion to quality and to you, our client, is what makes CMS one of the industry’s leaders; today and in the future. 

Get In Touch

CMS, Inc.
1261 Andersen Dr. Suite K
San Rafael, CA 94901

800-239-7602 | 415-457-9550



Business Hours: M-F 8 am to 5 pm Saturdays by Appointment only | 24-Hour Service Support

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